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20 May 2002

Guess what? I popped back home last week! Yup, back to New Zealand for another long weekend. Still not quite sure why I suddenly decided to make the trip back home - but it definitely gave Mum a good surprise on Mother's Day! To top things off, when I knocked on the door, Dad answered and, rather than telling Mum that I was here, he went on to pretend that I was a collector for the Salvation Army. I could hear them talk about it in the living room - Mum knew that they collected last week and she was ready to call the cops on me!


Work is pretty boring at the moment - writing document after document after document after.... well, you get the idea. I have written some 20 odd documents in the last 3-4 weeks and it I must say I'm getting pretty weary with it all. So, to treat myself, I went out and bought myself a nice little AV Receiver. My tiny little flat now sports 5.0 Dolby digital surround sound. (I'm sans a subwoofer at the moment - I thought that I wouldn't do that to my poor little neighbours just yet :)

I picked up the amplifier on Thursday and since then I have been busy cabling in all the speakers and carpentering -making speaker stands and a nice little cabinet for it all. Tonight should be the first night where I can just sit down and enjoy the show. Well, that's if I decide against hooking the whole lot up to the PC - in which case I will just have to start playing some Quake3 in full surround sound on the big screen :)

P.S. Been so excited with my purchase, I haven't even been too concerned at not seeing Episode II yet! Must go see it some time this week.

P.P.S. - The apartment next door is for sale. They had an open house last Saturday. Looks like you won't see much change out of AUD$270k. Good thing I'm just renting!   
Web Update
A couple of extra photos dotted around the place 

5 May 2002

Another month, another fresh page. As is the custom, the old page has been retired.

First of all - sad news. I have been hearing reports of Matt Groening stating that the end of the Simpsons might be nigh :( but then again, Star Wars - Episode II opens in less than two weeks now!

All up, an interesting week was had. Last weekend I installed a new shelf to accommodate some more DVDs and last night I built myself something to hold a number of CDs. Sawdust was flying everywhere.

Last Monday I did a search on the internet and found that a patent that I applied for a couple of years ago finally got approved! That's right, I am the proud inventor of US patent 6,377,889! To celebrate, I shouted some of my friends to a meal down at a local eatery.

I saw something that caught my eye, and I just had to see if I could capture it on film. It was just after sunset, and Venus was still above the horizon. Jupiter was also visible, and I wanted to see if I could capture both of them with my digital camera. Luckily both heavenly bodies are rather bright, so there was a good chance of it working.

The one thing that I wasn't counting on was the flying biting things. I was out on the balcony for all of about 5 minutes and got bitten no less than 7 times!

Anyway, take a look at the result of my wee little experiment. 

Web Update
Old ramblings archived away as usual.
My First Patent has been granted - a copy of it can be found here